How 12 Years old Boy made £350,000 in school holidays

How 12 Years old Boy made £350,000 in school holidays

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A twelve years old boy made 350,000 pounds during school holidays which is too much than the average income of a full-time worker in the UK. So in this article, we will discuss Benyamin Ahmed, a twelve years old boy who made 350,000 pounds in just two months.

Benyamin Ahmed is a student and a resident of London, Uk. His Father Imran is a software developer who encouraged Benyamin and his brother Yousef to start coding Benyamin start coding just at the age of five.

Benyamin Ahmed created a collection of pixilated artworks and selling non-fungible tokens or (NFTs). NFTs is a unit of data stored on a digital ledger called a blockchain that certifies a digital asset to be unique and therefore not interchangeable.

Ahmed tells CNBC ” I got fascinated with NFTs because you can easily transfer the ownership of an NFT by the blockchain.” He was excited to create his Collection of NFT after knowing about this.

Minecraft Yee Haa is Ahmed’s first NFT collection launched earlier this summer. Minecraft Yee Haa consists of 40 Colorful Pixalized avatars which are created by spending too many hours playing Minecraft. Minecraft Yee Haa didn’t sell immediately but led to learning for Ahmed. Each artwork was created by himself, he says.

His second NFT collection Weird Whales which he started to code in June 2021. In weird whales, he featured 3350 pixelated artworks of whales, each with distinct traits. In cryptocurrency, a whale is someone who has 1000 bitcoin that’s why I chose whale, Ahmed said.

Weird Whales cost $300 which is paying gas fees that are charged to every blockchain to verify each NFT Ahmed said.

After 9 hours of Launching Weird Whales, the entire collection sold and Ahmed made 80 ether in just one day. Ahmed is receiving his earnings in the form of Ethereum. Ethereum is a decentralized, open-source blockchain with smart contract functionality. Ether (ETH or Ξ) is the native cryptocurrency of the platform.

80 Ether is a huge amount you can estimate that 80 ethers equal 47.21 Million Pakistani Rupees. Ahmed’s class fellows are unaware of his crypto wealth.

Ahmed made $350,000 Till 25th August and at the end of August his total earning will be over $400,000. Also, Ahmed has a youtube channel in which he made videos about his hobby like swimming, badminton, etc. We try at least one coding exercise every day consistently for a few years, Ahmed said.

Ahmed doesn’t have a traditional bank account, he only has a cryptocurrency wallet. He said ” In the future maybe everyone doesn’t need a bank account and just has an ether wallet “

That’s it, this is the story of Benyamin Ahmed. you can imagine how technology helps you to build your path. If you want to do something new, something big, you just pursue your passion.


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