LDA approved societies in Lahore 2023

LDA approved societies in Lahore 2023

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Nowadays many housing societies are being formed and people are investing their money in it as it is the most profitable business in the world. There are a large number of housing societies in Lahore, some of which are approved by the LDA and the rest have no legal status. Due to a large number of illegal housing societies, it is very difficult for people to find a good and safe place to live and investors also do not consider it safe to invest in such a place.

Every city has an authority that regulates development around the city. In Lahore, Lahore Development Authority also known as LDA controls the development. Before constructing any housing society or high-rise building, approval from the city authority is required to obtain its legal status. A housing society that gets approval from the city authority attracts investors to invest while people also choose such a place for their residence. According to LDA, NOC is given to the society which fulfills its criteria.

Some housing society builders spread fake news that they got approval from LDA even though they are spreading false news. But now you can get information about the NOC of housing societies by reading this article completely, Also you can verify housing societies from LDA official website.

LDA Approved societies list in Lahore

In March 2021, LDA cracked down on illegal housing schemes in Lahore, and notices were sent to society owners, although LDA did not seal any illegal society due to the investment of residents. The LDA has also introduced an amnesty scheme that will allow illegal housing schemes to regularize these projects after paying fines.

RDA Approved Societies

Following is the list of LDA approved societies in Lahore. LDA approved societies list is very long, to find specifically approved housing society in Lahore, click on the three-dot on the top right corner of your mobile, then click on Find in page and type your society name. If you are on PC then press Ctrl + F and type your society name.

Sr #Society Name MouzaArea
1Abdalians Cooperative Housing Society Phase 1Niaz Beg Lahore972
2Abdullah Garden Rakh Chabeel16
3Abid City 1Khamba & Rakh Khamba, Raiwind Road Lahore1532
4Abid Town Ajudia Pur, MA Johar Town, Lahore200
5Abuzar Housing SocietyNiaz Beg Lahore134
6Accounts Group Officers Cooperative Housing Society ( Gul e Daman)Bagrian and Dharamchand152
7Agrics Town Phase 1Rakh Khamba203
8Agrics Town Phase 2Rakh Khamba454
9Agrics Town Phase 3Rakh Khamba104
10Ahbab Cooperative Housing Society Niaz Beg Lahore168
11Ahmed Garden LSDRampura Jageer and Chawk Rampura94
12Ahmed Housing Society Niaz Beg Lahore 442
13Ahsan Park housing schemeJulkey162
14Airline Housing Society Rakh Khamba Lahore 884
15Aitchison College Staff Cooperative Housing Society Niaz Beg Lahore 331
16Akhtar StateAttari Saroba 102
17Al Hafeez Garden ( Ibrahim Block )Manawan 93
18Al Hammad Garden Ameerpura83
19Al Jannat town Rakh Khamba486
20Al Kareem Garden Nau Lakha 95
21Al Noor housing society Niaz Beg 13
22Al Rehman Garden Phase 4Manawan95
23Al Ahmed Housing schemeRampura Jageer95
24Al Asar Housing Scheme Manak 415
25Al Ghani Garden Rakh Chabeel33
26Al Hamra Town Rakh Khamba 917
27Al Kabir Town Janjaty239
28Al Karam LSD 1Manga Ottar 48
29Al Karam LSD 2Manga Ottar48
30Al Karam LSD 3Manga Ottar48
31Al Karam LSD 4Manga Ottar28
32Al Kareem city ( Ashrafi Town )Rakh Paji1393
33A Karim Garden Phase 2 LSDTaij Garh98
34Al Qadir City Manga Ottar and Terera180
35Al Rahim Garden phase 4 LSDRampura Jageer90
36Al Rehman Garden phase 3 LSDKot Dhoni Chand49
37Al Rehman Garden phase 4 LSDKot Dhoni Chand72
38Ali Town Niaz beg Lahore399
39Alia town housing society Mehmood Boti256
40Alpha Cooperative Housing Society Niaz beg Lahore 148
41Amaad Garden Kahna Nau 97
42Angoori Bagh Housing SchemeBaghban Pura111
43Apex Residency Niaz Beg Lahore 9
44Architects Engineers Housing Society Rakh Khamba, Raiwind Road Lahore1437
45ARK VillasRakh Khamba, Raiwind Road Lahore49
46Army Welfare Trust Phase 1Rakhpura650
47Army Welfare Trust Phase 2Asal Lahkowal5603
48Ashraf Gardens Land Sub-divisionBurhanpura64
49Audit & Accounts Cooperative Housing Society Sadhoki1253
50Avecina City ( Pakistan Medical Town )Tarogil915
51Awaisia Town Sattokatla265
52Awan Cooperative Housing SchemeNiaz Beg Lahore 224
53Ayoubia Town Ajudia Pur, MA Johar Town, Lahore 250
54Azam Garden Hanjarwal, Multan Road Lahore734
55Azizia Town Khamba 201
56Bahria Orchards Phase IPaji and Raiwind3737
57Bahria Town Sector A, B, CMarakah, Jaliana, Bhalai Gill, Muqadam Singh, Rakh Sultankey & Tarogill14243
58Bankers Avenue Cooperative Housing SchemeDera Chahal, Karbath2436
59Bankers Cooperative Housing SchemeKamahan552
60Bankers Cooperative Housing Scheme Block C-IKamahan21
61Beacon House Estate Housing Scheme1010
62Bismillah Housing SchemeRampur Jageer and Attokey Awan855
63Blue Town Housing Scheme Phase ITarerah512
64Blue Water LSD ( Hamdan Life )Jaliana139
65BOR SocietyDhana Singh wala, Lahore391
66Campus Colony Joggen Pura, Lahore 213
67Campus View Town MA Johar Town Lahore144
68Canal Berg Housing SchemeNiaz Beg Lahore162
69Canal Forts Housing SchemeManawan892
70Canal View Housing SchemeNiaz Beg Lahore2013
71Central Boulevard Housing SchemeAsal Suleman237
72Central Govt Employees House Building Cooperative Housing Society Pindi, Lahore534
73Central Park Phase II Housing SchemeBaddoki and Asal Suleman820
74CH Khushi MuhammadNiaz Beg Lahore402
75Chahal Homes16
76China Town Housing SchemeHalloki152
77Chinar Bagh Cooperative Housing Society LtdKhana3398
78Chinar Courts Farm HSJanjaty and Tarogill549
79City Park Housing SchemeManga621
80City Star ResidenciaChung Panjgraen, Lahore35
81Class IV Housing SchemeAjhudiapur Lahore62
82Damaan City Maraka270
83Daman City Maraka270
84Dawood ResidencyJaliana213
85Dilkhusa Housing SocietyKot Lakhpat Lahore78
86Dream Avenue land Sub-divisionAmeerpura24
87Dream Gardens ( Monnoo Housing Estate Phase II )Fateh Singhwala612
88Dream gardens housing scheme phase IIFateh Singhwalal1577
89Dream housingRai102
90Dream View LSDSadhoki35
91Dream VillasKhamba43
92Dubai City Land Sub-divisionBurhanoura69
93Dubai Town Bhopatian141
94E.B Lands Housing SchemeNiaz Beg Lahore 738
95Eastern Homes Khamba Lahore18
96Eden Abad Extension A+B Housing SchemeJanjatay505
97Eden Abad Extension Housing SchemeHalloki 453
98Eden Abad Housing SchemeHalloki460
99Eden Abad Phase II Housing SchemeSadhoki 287
100Eden Boulevard Housing SchemeBhagrian and Dharam chand 538
101Eden Canal Villas Phase IMouza Amarkot,315
102Eden Garden Extension Housing SchemeDullu Khurd, Dullu Kalan505
103Eden Garden Housing SchemeMouza Gajjumatta and Dhulu Khurd666
104Eden Lane Villas Phase IBhubtian243
105Eden Palace Villas Rakh Khamba, Lahore.386
106Eden Park Farm Housing SchemeTukra Alam Shah, Kot Fateh Singh, Kot Jeewan Mal Chak No.62840
107Eden Place Kaacha169
108Eden Residencia Dharamchand286
109Education City Housing SchemeRakh Ladheke302
110Elite Homes Land Sub-divisionKahna Nahu95
111Engineering University Sadhoki and Sattokatla1547
112Etihad Town Rakh Khamba, Lahore1614
113Ever Green Housing SchemePaji, Rakh Judu Dhir & Judu Dhir,312
114EXPO Avenue Land Sub-divisionNiaz Baig, Lahore.59
115Farooq AvenueDhana Singh Wala, Lahore.56
116Fazaia Housing Scheme Phase IJanjaty, Kot Jewan Mall and Bhalai Gill3940
117Fazaia Housing Scheme Phase IIMal & Bhai Kot1444
118Fazal Elahi Housing SchemeSattokatla157
119Formanties Housing Phase I, IIkamahan, jaythol, leil, wadahwah1191
120G.M Riaz ( Land subdivision )Niaz Baig, Lahore29
121General Sher Ali Khan Housing SocietyDhana Singh Wala, Lahore48
122Ghalib HomesKhamba17
123Ghaus Farm Housing SchemeRakh Judu Dhir673
124Ghee Corporation of PakistanGhulam Ghouswala, Lahore.174
125Ghosia Town Ajhudiapur267
126Giardino Counts Farm Housing SchemeSora2220
127Gosha e Ahbab Phase I Niaz Baig, Lahore126
128Gosha e Ahbab Phase I Niaz Baig, Lahore160
129Gosha e Ahbab Phase I Niaz Baig, Lahore306
130Government Servant Cooperative Housing Society Janjatay,318
131Govt. Superior Services Cooperative Housing Society Maraka,714
132Govt Officer Cooperative Housing Society sector A & BRakh Paji,1331
133Govt Officer Cooperative Housing Society sector C & DRakh Paji,1582
134Grand AvenueJulkey62
135Green Acres Housing SchemeAmeerpura & Bhobpatian591
136green Avenue LSDBagrian & Dharamchand32
137Green Forts Phase IRakh Khamba,178
138Green Forts Phase IIChung Panjgraen & Kangra,2364
139Green Forts Phase IVRakh Khamba & Khaliq Abad,39
140Green View Land SubdivisionMohlanwal
141Green Villas Tulspura47
142Guldasht Town Harbanspura685
143Gulshan Muhammad Land Sub-divisionJanjaty21
144Gulshan e Ahbab Phase IIRakh Chandrai222
145Gulshan e Shalimar Housing SchemeBaghban Pura177
146Gulshan e AwanNangar152
147Gulshan e Dawood Rakh Khamba, Lahore.22
148Gulshan e HabibJaliana1098
149Gulshan e Jinnah Kacha & Nangar316
150Gulshan e Lahore Housing SchemeKhamba380
151Gulshan e Madina Land SubdivisionChandrai73
152Gulshan e Mustafa Housing SchemeAjhudiapur507
153Haidry Homes by Asad Ali KhanAmeerpura93
154Haidry Homes by Asad Ali Khan LDA Approved Ameerpura93
155Hameed Park Chak Mozang, Lahore268
156Hashim Town Kamahan51
157Hassan Town Housing SchemeMehmood Booti259
158Heaven Homes Land SubdivisionKhamba, Lahore.17
159Housing Scheme at Pindi RajputanPindi Rajputan, Lahore66
160Hyde ParkNiaz Baig & Amer Kot,295
161Icon Valley Housing SchemePaji,208
162Icon Valley Phase II Housing SchemeRakh Rai,363
163IEP Town Sector ABagrian Sadhoki and Nangar5610
164IEP Town Sector A ExtensionKacha, Nangar, Sadhoki and Bagrian1602
165IEP Town Sector BSattokatla293
166International City Mota Singh Wala533
167Iqbal Avenue CHS Phase ISattokatla & Khamba467
168Iqbal Avenue Phase IIIChung Panjgrian and Musalah,
169Iqbal Block Land SubdivisionManga Ottar60
170Iqbal BroadwayKacha300
171Iqbal EnclaveAmeerpura170
172Irrigation Cooperative housing SchemeChandrai, Thait719
173Irum Garden Dullu Khurd38
174Ismail Block Manawan98
175Ittefaq Town Niaz Baig, Lahore59
176Izmir Town Phase IMohlanwal,4241
177Izmir Town Phase IIMohlanwal,459
178Jaffar Town Rakh Khamba ,Lahore.122
179Judicial Employees CHS INiaz Baig, Lahore.438
180Judicial Employess CHS I ExtensionMussala, Lahore213
181Judicial Employess H/S Phase IIIMusalah,714
182Kakezai CHS Phase ISadhoki249
183Kakezai Phase II housing schemeKacha569
184Kalwar HomesPindi Rajputan Lahore11
185KEMC King Edward Medical Collage ( Doctor’s Cooperative Housing Society )Halloki & Sadhoki1832
186Khayaban e Iqbal Land SubdivisionManga Ottar96
187khayaban e Akhair ud DinAjhudyapur
188khayaban e Akhair ud Din Extension
189Khayaban e QuaidNiaz Baig, Lahore352
190Khayaban e Zafar Housing SchemeHalloki461
191Khayyam Mini City Housing SchemeDina Nath205
192Khayaban e Ameen Housing Scheme (revised)Sadhoki & Halloki,2323
193Khayaban e Zohra Sattokatla66
194Kings Town Housing SchemeRakh Judu Dhir175
195Lahore AvenueKhamba160
196Lahore Canal Bank ( Superior Courts )Amarkot and Shahpur,582
197Lahore Smart City
Mouza/Chak No. 42, 43 &44 Hardosohal
198Lahore Villas Land SubdivisionBhalai Gill94
199Lake City Bella Verde Housing SchemeHalloki, Janjatay & Khananepal6746
200Lake City Bella Verde Housing Scheme ( Approval of unapproved pockets )Janjaty392
201Lake City Bella Vista Housing Scheme ( revised )Halloki & Janjatay8791
202Land Breeze Farm H/S ( Sector -A )Bhuptian,384
203Land Subdivision for ACE developers Pvt Ltd IRakh Khamba25
204Land Subdivision for ACE developers Pvt Ltd IIRakh Khamba39
205Lasani Villas Land SubdivisionRakh Khamba, Lahore.29
206LCCI Phase IKanjran,337
207LCCI Phase IIKanjran,119
208Liberty Lands Housing SchemeJia Bagga373
209Mansoora HomesNiaz Baig, Lahore119
210Maryam Town Housing SchemeMouza Rakh Judu Dhir172
211Mascot Housing SchemeSadhoki315
212Mashallah LSDHando89
213Masion Homes Land Subdivision Rakh Khamba, Lahore.7
214Mehraj TownHanjarwal Multan Road Lahore141
215Mid City Janjaty606
216Mid Land Farm Housing SchemeTtlay202
217Millat Tractors Cooperative Housing SchemeKaacha390
218MMM HomesChung Punjgrain11
219Model City Housing SchemeKahna Nau and Khana Kohna
220Model EnclaveKaacha62
221Model Housing SchemeLadheke & Bhullar216
222Mohallah Ashraf Town Attari Saroba26
223Muhafiz Town Phase I Shah pur Khan pur,826
224Muhafiz Town Phase IISadhoki822
225Muslim Nagar ( Telegraph & Telephone Employees Cooperative Housing Society ) Asal Rakhowal & Rai464
226Naaz Town Sadhoki600
227Nasheman Iqbal Phase IBagrian and Sadhoki1195
228Nasheman Iqbal Phase II Land SubdivisionBagrian103
229Nasheman Iqbal Phase II ExtensionKhamba, Khayaban-e-Jinnah Road, Lahore.1135
230National Homes LSDAttu Asal34
231Nawab Town Rakh Khamba , Raiwind Road, Lahore.1366
232Nespak Housing Scheme Phase ISattokatla & Khamba1093
233Nespak Phase II site IChung, Musalah and Rakhpura,1263
234Nespak Phase II site IISadhoki992
235New Lahore City Housing SchemeMaraka, Sultanke & Khudpur346
236New Lahore City Phase IISultankey, Lahore2054
237News papers Employees Cooperative Housing Society Halloki,105
238NFC Employees Cooperative Housing Society Maraka, Sultankey & Khudpur.7058
239NFC Phase ISattokatla2565
240Officers and Executive Cooperative ( bagh e Iram ) Housing SchemeHalloki979
241OPF Farm Housing Scheme Phase I Rakh Rai,355
242Overseas Pakistan Foundation Housing SchemeKhamba, Bhobtian, Ameerpura and Sadhoki3297
243P & D Department Employees Cooperative Housing Society Ltd Phase IIShamkay Bhattian & Sultankay929
244P & D Society Chung Panjgraen,986
245Pace Wood Land Lidher159
246Pak Arab Housing SchemeChandrai, Attari Saroba1530
247Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission Foundation Housing Scheme Maraka1562
248Pakistan Medical Cooperative Housing SchemeBadoki Sani,177
249Pakistan Rajpoot H/SShah pur Khan pur,190
250Pakistan Technocrats CHSJaliana,814
251Palm Avenue Land SubdivisionJulkey33
252Palm City Housing SchemeJhulkey & Badoki561
253Palm VillasChung Panjgraen and Jaliana62
254Park Avenue Housing SchemeJia Bagga
255PASSCO EmployeesShah pur Khan pur311
256PCSIR Employees CHS Phase INiaz Baig, Lahore630
257PCSIR Employees Cooperative Society Phase IIRakh Khamba, Ghulam Ghouswala And Niaz Baig1313
258PCSIR Staff Phase I ( Al Falah avenue )Bagrian & Sattokatla331
259PCSIR Staff Phase I & IIKhamba1261
260Pearl Residencia Khamba18
261PIA ECHS INiaz Baig1791
262PIA ECHS IINiaz Baig380
263Punjab Cooperative ECHSAmeerpura253
264Public Health EnggMouzaFateh Abad, Bhubtian743
265Punjab Excise and TaxationRakh Khamba,224
266Punjab Govt Employees CHS Phase ISattokatla1860
267Punjab Govt Employees CHS Phase I ExtensionSattokatla388
268Punjab Govt Employees CHS Phase IISattokatla1278
269Punjab University Town Phase IRakh Khamba,855
270Punjab University Town phase IIKhamba, Rakh Khamba ,Lahore.1466
271Punjab View LSDSattokatla9
272Qasim Garden Housing SchemeRaiwind204
273Rail Town Kanjara679
274Raiwind Smart Town Land SubdivisionBurhanpura39
275Ravians Cooperative Housing SchemeHalloki480
276Regent Park Farm Housing SchemeJanjatay362
277Rehman Estate Dhana Singh Wala, La78
278Rehman Garden Manawan95
279Rehmanabad Housing SchemeAjudyapur212
280Revenue ECHS (A) Niaz Baig543
281Revenue ECHS (B) Niaz Baig844
282River Edge Shahpur Khanpur Multan Road Lahore765
283River View Cooperative Housing Society Rakh Khamba, Lahore.475
284Rose Town Kacha26
285Royal Residencia Kaacha1500
286Royal View Garden Scheme Hasanabad149
287Royal Villas Housing SchemeKachha187
288Saddat Cooperative Housing Society Bagrian248
289Safari Garden Housing SchemePandoki & Khand454
290Safari Villas Land SubdivisionChandrai23
291Safari Villas Land SubdivisionChandrai23
292Safia Homes Housing SchemeAsal suleman264
293Sally Town ( South )Tajpur and Chandin129
294Samanberg KhurdDhanna Singh Wala52
295Sargodha ECHSBhopatian260
296Saroba GardensAttari Saroba90
297Satellite Town Dullu Khurd156
298Schazoo Housing SchemeNau lakha24
299Scotia Land SubdivisionMohlanwal & Jaliyana121
300Scotia LSDJaliana124
301Shahid TownGajjumatta247
302Shami Peace HomeNiaz Baig9
303Shami VillasNiaz Baig9
304Sheraz Town Bagrian546
305Siagal EstateM.A johar Town, Lahore76
306Smart City Housing SchemeManga Ottar
307Smart Town LSDKacha26
308State Enterprise Phase IHanjarwal Multan Road Lahore1048
309State enterprise Phase IIHanjarwal Multan Road Lahore492
310State Life Insurance Cooperative Housing SchemeKamahan & Jethol2617
311Sui Nothern Officers Cooperative Housing Society Asal Lakhowal, Rakh Sultankey & Ramkot6530
312Sui Nothern Gas ECHSChung Punjgrain182
313Sukh Chayn Garden Housing SchemeMaraka & Mohalanwal,2132
314Sultan Town Niaz Baig,198
315Suman BergSultan Abad, Lahore228
316Sunflower Housing SchemeM.A johar Town, Lahore.141
317Sunfort GardensRakh Khamba, Lahore.48
318Sunny ParkRakh Khamba, Raiwind Road, Lahore.349
319Sunny Park ExtensionRakh Khamba, Raiwind Road120
320Tariq GardenSadhoki and Sattokatla1461
321Tauheed Town, Land subdivision ( Transferred From TMA Iqbal Town )Rakh Judhu Dheer, Lahore70
322Tech SocietyNiaz Baig, Lahore1076
323Telecommunication Employees cooperative housing societyAmeerpura & Bhobpatian635
324The Oaks EnclaveNangar27
325TIP ECHSSadhoki
326TIP Employees Cooperative Housing SchemeJalliana,259
327Tricon VillageChung Punjgrain314
328Tuxedo Farm Housing SchemeRakh Judu Dhir, Raiwind Road, Lahore391
329Udicial Employees CHS IINiaz Baig, Lahore.276
330Union Livings Housing SchemeChung Panj Graian and Jaliana220
331Valencia Town Phase IVSadoki, Dharamchund7322
332Valencia Town Phase VSadhoki and Dharam Chand1121
333Venus Housing SchemeChandrai, Attari Saroba603
334Vital SchemeChandrai39
335Vital Orchard Homes DDCHANDRAI, DULLU KHURD172
336Vital orchard Homes EEChandrai123
337WAPDA ECHS Phase ISattokatla & Rakh Khamba9280
338WAPDA ECHS Phase IIKhamba1817
339WAPDA Finance Officers Subsistence Scheme Cooperative Housing Scheme Byhaikot, Jodhadhir & Raiwind2468
340Wapda Phase I extensionSattokatla388
341Waqas Housing SchemeNiaz Baig7
342West Wood Colony Niaz Baig,663
343Wock Land LSDBhopatian53
344Women Housing SchemeKot Jewan Mal Chak No. 62,271
345Wyeth Employees Cooperative Housing Societyhalloki785
346Younis Garden LSDHando88
347Yousaf Town Sadhoki,44
348Zaamin City Kaacha1821
349Zaamin City Housing SchemeKaacha1821
350Zaheer Ud Din BarberNiaz Baig58
351Zain Residencia Housing SchemeBaddoki134
352Zaitoon City Housing SchemeShamkey Bhattian & Manga Otar326
353Zaitoon Life Style Housing SchemeJia Bagga & Janjaty174
354Zubaida Khatoon Housing ShameHalloki512
LDA Approved societies

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