Majority of Pakistani youths prefer business to a job

Majority of Pakistani youths prefer business to a job

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Unemployment has always been a problem in Pakistan. The reason behind this is that after completing their education, people wait for someone to come and offer them a good job. They don’t do anything for themselves.

People in Pakistan preferred jobs, especially government jobs. Government jobs are an ascension for Pakistani people. It’s not bad to have a job, but doing business or empowering yourself is better than a job.

Recently a good development came to see. A London-based charitable organization, Prince Trust surveyed Pakistan. The report Future of work shows that 44% of youngsters in Pakistan want to do business rather than a job, which is a welcome thing.

40% of the people still want to get a government job, 37% are interested in joining a private organization for a good lifestyle. 88% voted for schooling and education and 90% wanted to complete their university education.

44% of men and 43% of women are participating in the survey. The majority of the People who want to start a business are from Islamabad that is 54%.

Will Straw, CEO of Prince Trust, said that it is good to see youngsters in Pakistan moving toward setting up their businesses.

“Generation stand Up, Start-Up,” a campaign that will launch in Pakistan said Wales Charles, president of Prince trust. This campaign will be a collaboration with the Government and private organizations to help youngsters of Pakistan in their fields.

The 44% who want to start their own business are between the ages of 18 to 35. it is the prime time of your life you can do anything you want because you have fewer responsibilities and much energy during this time. At this age, doing a job for a long time will not be beneficial for you.


It is clear from this survey that the views of the youth of Pakistan are changing which is a good thing. People want to work to empower themselves and don’t want to work for someone else. This thinking will reduce the economic crisis and will be effective in reducing unemployment in Pakistan.

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